"Travel forever" info shop,picture:Lan
Some people asked my mom,what your daughter going to do when she get to UK.
My mom answered : Pergi jalan jalan ,cari makan.
Yes ,exactly what I will going to do in UK.
Jalan jalan could be described as going to travel,and to look around to experince the country.
Cari makan mean to earn a living,also to make some good money.
The jobs I might going to do could be pretty shit like working in the hotel as housekeeper,waitressing,factory,fruityard….but the money for sure is pretty good.The purpose on doing these job is just for earning some travel funds so that be able to keep on travel.
Why don’t you have a proper job and get a stable life,for the sake of your parent?Many of my friends asked.Yea,I think I will. Definitely will,but not now. When ones reach a certain stage of life they will require some stage of living standard.。。Perhaps my past life is a gypsy, I couldn’t stand a life with staying at a place for long.I have to move,from one place to one place… and I did truly love the living style like that.
My parent- in fact ,they are pound of me because I am fulfilling the dreams they ever had but no way to do it when they were young.
“从今天开始,我Lana Choy要作一次大革命。。。为灿烂的将来,为自己人生只有一次的青春。。。哪怕还徘徊在彷徨时期,哪怕还未找到方向,哪怕还未找到对象,哪怕没那么大胆。。
在纽西兰皇后镇工作的时候,我在一家小小的土产店当店员,另外也打两份part time。日子虽然很忙,但依然过得优哉游哉。。。有空时和三朋好友去野餐、爬山、游船河、每个周末去pub跳舞玩乐、冬天时去滑雪溜冰,体验过春天大地野花的盛开,夏天的活跃,秋天的黄花秋叶,和冬天火炉边的温暖。。。皇后镇,有生一定要再回去一趟啊!那里实在太美太美了。小镇风情,人的善,物的美,很多我在那遇到的人,一旦住过皇后镇,便不会想离开了,她就是有这种吸引人的魅力。
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